Sunday, December 29, 2019

Making Astral Collision (An RPG Maker MV Project) Part 13

This is a brief update, as I was pretty busy with other projects, which meant I wasn't able to make as much progress as I would've liked this week. That said, I did do some updates to the interior maps as per my thoughts last week on the matter. I also added a few new interiors and an enchantment state or two.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Religion for Games X Astral Collision: A Practical Example | Part 3

In this video, I continue the process of fleshing out each individual world that I'd started last time. However, the sheer number of details I needed to work out for some of the worlds means that I was only able to fit in the next four. All of this work should help me make a way more compelling game!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Making Astral Collision (An RPG Maker MV Project) Part 12

In this episode, I show the houses I've made so far for the residential district in the first major city of this RPG. It's the sort of thing that takes a lot more time to create than demonstrate...

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Religion for Games X Astral Collision: A Practical Example | Part 2

In this episode, I begin to turn the base states I'd created last time into something I can more actively work with for the game itself. This is a process that takes long enough, I'm going to have to do it over two videos.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Making Astral Collision (An RPG Maker MV Project) Part 11

In this episode, I go over map making work that I've done as I build the first major city of the game. It's the sort of work that takes a lot more time to do than one might think, and that also gets reviewed pretty quickly...note that I also go over a technique I used to make transfers between long edges way less tedious to do.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Religion for Games X Astral Collision: A Practical Example | Part 1

I decided to conclude my Religion for Games series with a practical example. This works out well to do, as Astral Collision, the game I've been making on Let's Make a Game, has really needed this sort of worldbuilding work done for it. There's a lot to do, however, so this is necessarily a multi-parter!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Making Astral Collision (An RPG Maker MV Project) Part 10

In this episode, I make the rest of the building maps for the starting village, begin the process of creating the maps for the first major city, create a new state type (which includes the design concept for it), and make a few more skills.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Religion In Conflict—Religion for Games

In this episode, I discuss how to handle the relationships between religions when worldbuilding.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Making Astral Collision (An RPG Maker MV Project) Part 9

In this episode of Let's Make a Game, I primarily go over the work I've done on the next tier of enemies. I also cover some balance stuff and game design philosophy with regards to creating my characters, as well as a few other miscellaneous things.