Monday, December 31, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 254-262)

Hello! This week (+2 days, because 2018 is ending on a Monday) saw me cover most of the Wintersday event in Guild Wars 1. I had fun recording all of this, and am very glad to have it more spread-out than Halloween ended up being.

This also marks the end of VOD of Consciousness round-ups, because today's episode was the last VOD of Consciousness episode. New years are times of change, and that's definitely happening here. VODoC had a good run, but, well, you all saw the announcement video, right? (If not, you should be able to find it previously posted here!)

Thank you for watching, and please continue to join me with the new content I'm making!

-- Sientir

Saturday, December 29, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up won't be today

Hey everyone!

I normally post VOD of Consciousness round-ups on Saturdays, but since the last two episodes of VOD of Consciousness will be releasing over the next two days, I'm going to have the round-up then, rather than today. It just doesn't make sense to me to have an additional round-up for only the two of them, especially since they're all part of the same Wintersday special!

See ya then!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Announcement - Planned Changes for Gaming Content in 2019

Hey all! This video goes over changes I have planned for the gaming content I produce. These changes will take effect in 2019.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

What Does "Born Again" Mean? - Geekdom of God Ep. 26

It's Christmas, which is when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. In my brain, this makes it an excellent time to talk about the origins of the phrase "born again." It has something to do with both being about birth, I think...

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Saturday, December 22, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 247-253)

This week I focused on doing stuff on my Ranger, Anna Yggdrasill. I collected heroes and skills and began pursuing the Prophecies storyline. Recording these episodes made me really appreciate the structure of Prophecies when it comes to acquiring skills in a way that I'd forgotten over the years. It's definitely something I'm thinking about as a game designer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Confusion Over Jesus's Mission - Geekdom of God Ep. 25

Have you ever wondered why Jesus's disciples went from being ready to die for Him to running away when Jesus was arrested? In this episode, I look into this and draw some lessons from it for our lives today.

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Saturday, December 15, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 240-246)

This week was a lot less structured than many have been, since I didn't have specific goals in mind of what I wanted to accomplish due to the fact that I'd finished most of the story stuff. As such, there's a real hodge-podge of things: random Nightfall missions, skill capturing, a Bonus Mission Pack episode, etc.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Relying On God - Geekdom of God Ep. 24

In this episode, I talk about relying on God. It can be harder to do than it might sound at first blush! I primarily do this by examining the metaphorical concept of Jesus being in the driver seat of our lives.

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Saturday, December 8, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 233-239)

This week was a productive one! I finished both Hearts of the North AND Young Heroes of Tyria. This leaves me needing to figure out what I'm going to do next, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

Also, even if you don't watch all of these, I highly recommend the Future Plans episode (the first one). In it, I discuss my plans for VOD of Consciousness starting next year. I'll be making a more formal announcement video for it closer to the time, but this is a good chance to hear it early.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Quotations in 1 Corinthians - Geekdom of God Ep. 23

In this episode of Geekdom of God, I take a long, hard look at a few odd sections of 1 Corinthians that deal with women. An overview of the latter two thirds of the book is involved!

Here is the promised link to the Israel Study Center article:

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Saturday, December 1, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 226-232)

This week saw me conclude the War in Kryta (which was a lot shorter to play through than Winds of Change, but I think that's because it was more streamlined than the original release). I also began Hearts of the North, which takes place between the War in Kryta and Winds of Change.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What Is Heaven Like? - Part 2 - Geekdom of God Ep. 22

This episode is the concluding second part for my two part series on Heaven. It finishes examining some of the descriptions in Revelation, then examines Scripture from a few other places to glean a few more details.

I mention these Bible verses:

I also reference these previous Geekdom of God episodes:
What Is Heaven Like? Part 1—
The Hope of Christianity—

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 219-225)

This week I continued doing War in Kryta content. This involved doing some stuff for Keiran Thackery, then eventually transitioned to doing bounties for Princess Salma. These bounties escalated to include Mursaat leaders!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What Is Heaven Like? - Part 1 - Geekdom of God Ep. 21

This episode is part 1 of what I expect to be a two part series talking about Heaven—or, more accurately, the New Jerusalem that will be the eternal city of God and His servants in the next age. This part focuses on the city itself, while the next episode will focus on the city's inhabitants.

Here's the promised link to the Judgment Day account in Revelation 20:11-21:8:

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 211-218)

This week saw me complete the main story for the Winds of Change content in Guild Wars 1. I then did the Zinn quests and began the War in Kryta. A lot of specific questing, huh? Though, I do make time to go and grab an elite skill or two along the way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Hope of Christianity - Geekdom of God Ep. 20

This episode is about the hope that Christianity provides; what it is and where it comes from.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 205-211)

This week was mostly focused on the Halloween content in Guild Wars 1. I'm glad I was able to get to it, since I didn't actually get to record until November 1st! I had fun playing it, and it makes me excited for the Wintersday content that'll come out around Christmas/New Years.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Church As Family - Geekdom of God Ep. 19

A recent family reunion instilled me with inspiration about what it means for the church to be the family of God. That's what this episode is all about!

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 198-204)

This week I spent my time playing through more of the Winds of Change content for Guild Wars 1. Things are really heating up in the story, and in a way that feels like oddly relevant social commentary for today.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

5 Times God Did Or Honored Something We Might Not Expect - Geekdom of God Ep. 18

It seemed high time to me to do another top 5 list! As I read the Bible there are certain events that stand out to me because they are times that God either does or honors something that would seem unexpected given a shallow view of who He is. This is a list of five of those times.

Here are the links to Bible passages that I said were in this here description:
Joshua 2:
Joshua 6:
Genesis 38:

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 191-197)

This week I mostly played Guild Wars 1, with a focus on collecting random things (skills and hero armor). I did finally get back to Winds of Change content. I also finally made a Dev Play recording of Highway to the Moon! I don't show off everything the game has to offer—I wanted to give people an incentive to explore the game themselves (and buy it, of course!)—but I do show off a typical playthrough of the game.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

What Does the Bible Say About Money? - Geekdom of God Ep. 17

After the more off-the-cuff Geekdom of God last week dealt with the topic of turning money into an idol, I felt it appropriate to examine money in general in more detail. So I did. With this episode.

I promised a link to a passage from Deuteronomy (24:10-22), so here it is:

If you want to watch the previous episode, you can find it here:

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 184-190)

I continued my Let's Play of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice this week, then spent a lot of time fighting Jade Brotherhood in the sewers of Kaineng City in Guild Wars 1 before deciding it'd be prudent to go pick up some more PvE only skills to help in those efforts.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Why God wants people to worship Him - Geekdom of God Ep. 16

This is a uniquely made Geekdom of God, at least for the current form they've been in, in that I didn't work from a script like I usually do. As such, please forgive any mistakes in transcription!

I mention a number of things throughout the video that I think it'd be good for me to include links to:
• Sientir's Rambler Ep. 3 - What is a god, anyway?
• The image of the Declaration of Independence that I used from WikiPedia:
• I reference Maslow's Hierarchy of needs:
• I take an excerpt from this Isaiah passage, but I think the entire thing is worth reading:

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 177-183)

This week my Pre-Searing Ascalon character got to level 20, becoming a Legendary Defender of Ascalon! I also began a Let's Play of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice in an intentional decision to use my VOD of Consciousness recording time to work on my game backlog. And then I returned to Guild Wars 1 and the Winds of Change content.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 15 - Disputable Matters

In this episode, which is something of a continuation of the previous one on Judging, I talk about disputable matters. These are things that may or may not be sins—the grey area of sin. Watch the episode to find out more!

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Saturday, October 6, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 170-176)

This week I continued working on Winds of Change content. This included finishing off the last of the Afflicted, and the beginnings of the Ministry of Purity targeting other groups, in this case, the criminal organization, the Am Fah. The Am Fah have a particular fondness of the Affliction-causing plague, so this progression makes sense.

Also, this week I finished the Fury3 Let's Play! It ended up having 8 parts in total. Replaying the game was a lot of fun! I'm glad I did this Let's Play.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 14 - Judging

This episode is about judging. It is an important topic, and I'm glad to finally spend some time discussing it. If you want to know more, well, you're in luck: there's an entire video to watch all about it!

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 163-169)

This week I continued the Winds of Change content, making it through cleansing the rest of the areas near Kaineng. I struggled a lot on Shing Jea Island, though, both in Minister Cho's Estate (where some bad build decisions complicated my efforts) and massively in Haiju Lagoon. I spent a lot of episodes this week trying out various builds to try and conquer that particular quest, and they were longer than normal, too.

The buildcrafting process is one I personally find really engaging, so the recording times felt shorter than the episodes actually are. A sign of a well-crafted system, but perhaps the videos are a bit long, heh.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 13 - The Wrath of God

In this episode, I talk about the source of God's wrath. Why does it exist?

I also try something new with some of the color highlighting in this episode. I'm trying out color-coding specific concepts within this episode (rather than globally, beyond just this episode). In this case, I've highlighted things related to wrath in red and the creator-creation relationship in green. There are also some choices that I've made blue. Please let me know what you think of this concept in general!

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 156-162)

I started off this week by being a bit uncertain about what I wanted to do. I eventually decided that I wanted to continue working on filling out my Young Heroes of Tyria book, then return to Winds of Change content. And, of course, I continued the Fury 3 Let's Play!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 12 - Top 5 Overlooked Bible Verses

Today is a bit of an experiment! I thought it'd be interesting to come up with a list of Bible verses that I feel get overlooked. I'd love to hear your own list, if you have one, in the comments below!

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 149-155)

This week on VOD of Consciousness I finished the Wayfarer's Reverie, finally read the Hero's Handbook (which summarizes the Eye of the North story) and showed off one of the four Bonus Mission Pack missions. I wanted a fancy new spear to make into a Zealous spear, and the one I wanted came from completing Saul D'Alessio's story. Oh, and of course I continued the Fury3 Let's Play.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 11 - Christian Nationalism - A Modern Day Heresy

In this episode, I talk about a heresy I'm calling Christian Nationalism. This heresy focuses on trying to build an earthly Christian nation, which comes with many pitfalls.

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Saturday, September 8, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 142-148)

This week I finished Eye of the North's story. I also had a couple of extremely long episodes as I tried to stuff the Wayfarer's Reverie into one week. I ended up not being able to do that, so there are going to be a bunch of (shorter) Wayfarer's Reverie videos next week as well!

I also continued the Fury3 Let's Play, of course.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 10 - Staying on the Path: Turning Neither to the Left Nor to the Right

This week's episode well perhaps be a difficult one for some. I create a metaphor to consider the Old Testament saying of being obedient to God, turning aside neither to the right nor to the left. I then examine this metaphor by using it to talk about sexuality.
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Saturday, September 1, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 135-141)

This week I was able to finish the Asuran part of the Eye of the North storyline, which is pretty exciting to have accomplished. Of course, I also got to part three of the Fury3 Let's Play. I'm enjoying doing that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 9 - An Unholy War

In this episode, I talk about a few of the ways that Christians can end up waging an unholy war against non-Christians, which is something that shouldn't happen, yet sadly does.

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 128-134)

This week on VOD of Consciousness saw me finish up stuff in the Charr Homelands region of the map (at least for now) with me completing a number of side quests there. I also made my way into the Asuran lands, even recruiting Oola. Finally, I continued the Fury 3 Let's Play, completing the second planet.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 8 - The Lay Christian Myth

Today I wanted to talk about a certain type of myth that can develop about the role of lay Christians in the church.

I created this video using a new technique! Hopefully you like it. I definitely see a lot of room to grow with it. As it is new, there are a few rough spots, so please bear with me as I figure out how to best use it.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 121-127)

This week I played a lot more Guild Wars 1, as is customary. I'm wanting to get a lot more progress made in the Eye of the North expansion's story, so I spent a lot of this week doing that. I also started a Fury 3 Let's Play subseries within VOD of Consciousness that I'm planning on running on Saturdays. I think there should be about 7-8 episodes of that?

Oh, I also switched up the ordering of the name, so that instead of "VOD of Consciousness [2018] Ep. ### - Title", I put the Title first and the VOD of Consciousness part second. My hope is that, if people see them recommended, the actual title being first will make them sound more interesting. Also, if the title gets partially cut off, then I'd rather lose the VOD of Consciousness part than the actual episode name.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 7 - The Core Beliefs of Christianity

This was a hard episode for me to write, as my natural inclination is to delve deeply into any given subject, whereas this episode required me to be be shallow and broad. That said, it's an important topic!

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 114-120)

This week I finished off my (on screen) time in Pre-Searing Ascalon, returning to my Paragon and tackling the Norn/Dwarf portion of the Eye of the North storyline in order to gain access to some quests needed to unlock some powerful Player vs. Environment only skills.

I also tried an experiment, where I played a different game, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, for one episode. I'm curious to know what people thought of that!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

In this episode, I discuss a modern day heresy: The Prosperity Gospel. There is more to say on it than I am able to in one short video, so I see this as more of a start than a complete analysis.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 107-113)

This week saw me continue my time in Pre-Searing Ascalon. I finished fleshing out my collector armor set (well, unless you can't the "expensive" helmet from Professor Yakington) and finally ventured north of the wall! I had a lot of fun, and really enjoyed the beauty of Pre-Searing Ascalon. It's such a gorgeous place.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 5 - What Is Heresy?

In this episode, I talk about the concept of heresy and give some historical examples of it. I think heresy is important to talk about, but I also recognize it has a lot of historical baggage.

Note: Previous episodes have had a link to download the audio. I've removed that because I believe the videos to be far superior. However, if people want the audio download link back, let me know and I can add it in again.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Round-Up (2018 Season, Episodes 100-106)

This week I released episode 100 of VOD of Consciousness, which is super exciting! I decided to celebrate by re-creating Valerie Peace and journeying back into Pre-Searing Ascalon, which I enjoyed tremendously. Thus, this entire week took place in Pre-Searing Ascalon, with a brief interlude to visually discuss some map differences between Pre-Searing and Post-Searing Ascalon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 4 - Three Strange Metaphor Ministries

In this episode of Geekdom of God I talk about three strange metaphor ministries that God gave to the Old Testament prophets Isaiah, Hosea, and Ezekiel.

I do a number of different things with the non-Bible text in this video. I have some that summarize what I'm saying, some that follow along, and others that follow along in a more immediate fashion. Please let me know what you think of these, and which you liked best!

As always, thanks for watching and listening!
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Saturday, July 21, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Weekly Round-Up!

This week was interesting. I started it by continuing on in the Shiverpeak Mountains for the Young Heroes of Tyria book, but after The Frost Gate decided to turn my attentions elsewhere. Eventually, I decided I wanted to acquire more of the PvE only skills available in the Eye of the North expansion, so I headed up that way to do just that.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Geekdom of God Ep. 3 - The Stumbling Block of Legalism

In this episode, I talk extensively about the concept of Legalism.

A few notes:

1. This episode is much longer than I want episodes to generally be. My target is 10-12 minutes or less, with an allowance for the rare 15 minute episode of a topic can't be split up very well. On the bright side, this episode and its length has given me a lot of good data to draw from that'll help me be within my desired time limit on future episodes!

2. I'm trying out a "cold open" in this one, where rather than starting right away with the greeting, I instead open with a relevant Bible quotation. Let me know what you think!

3. Speaking of requests for feedback, one of the side effects of the length of this episode is that I went for a much simpler video style than I did with the previous episode. Let me know what you think! Do you prefer this simpler style? Did you like all of the text in the previous episode? Would you prefer something in between?

As always, thanks for watching and listening!

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Saturday, July 14, 2018

VOD of Consciousness Weekly Round-Up

This week, I spent my time in Ascalon, playing through the missions there. It was riddled with ups and downs and full of nostalgia. Good times! I do quite enjoy the barren, ruined wasteland aesthetic of post-Searing Ascalon, and I think this week's videos do a reasonably good job of showing that off. It's definitely an aesthetic I'd like to be able to try in a game someday!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Episode 1: Introduction and Mission Statement

Welcome to my new podcast, Geekdom of God. As I spend this episode going over who I am and why I'm making this podcast, I'll not repeat myself here. Suffice it to say that I'm quite pleased to introduce this new podcast today, and I hope you enjoy some actual visuals to go along with it!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Coming Soon!

This website is currently being set up. As such, it is definitely not in its proper state yet! Please be patient as I get things put together.