Friday, February 15, 2019

Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 30-34

This is the last week of Stellaris, as I basically reached the end of the game of it that I was playing. At least, I feel like I hit an inevitability point where I would mostly be waiting for the timer to run out and for me to be declared the victor. I could be missing something, but if I'm not, I don't think waiting for that makes for good viewing, so I decided to end it where I did.

The last episode contains my thoughts on my experience with the game, so if you're interested in those specifically, you can hear them there!

Direct video links:

Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 30: Growing Tall -
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 31: Taking the Lead -
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 32: Shrinking the Galaxy -
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 33: Inevitability Sets In -
Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 34: Finale -

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